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SEA Perch Challenge

 STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. It is an interdisciplinary approach to learning where rigorous academic concepts are coupled with real-world lessons. Students apply science, technology, engineering, and mathematics in contexts that make connections between school, community, work, and the global enterprise. This helps develop skills such a

s critical thinking, problem-solving, and collaboration, which are essential in today's world.

Our 6th and 8th grade physics students recently participated in the SEA Perch Challenge, an exciting culmination of their studies! They designed and built Remote Underwater Vehicles (ROVs), applying STEM principles in a hands-on project.

 Buoyancy: Students used Bernoulli's principles to achieve the correct buoyancy for their ROVs.

 Designing a Frame: Engineering skills were employed to design and build the frame of the vehicles.

 Technology Application: The ROVs were used to explore underwater environments, showcasing real-world technology applications in ocean exploration. Students built remote controllers from scratch and ensured precise soldering for proper maneuverability of the port, starboard, and vertical motors/propellers.

Testing took place at the LeRoy Greason pool at Bowdoin. A huge shoutout to the Bowdoin Swim Head Coach, Brad Burnham, Coach Conor Smith, Mr. And Mrs. Agnor, Mrs. Cianchette, Mr. Davis, and Mr. Sharp for facilitating the testing and transportation of the cubes, as well as walking with students to and from the pool.

This hands-on project was a fantastic way to wrap up the school year, and we couldn't be prouder of our students' hard work and innovation!  #STEM #Education #Innovation #SEAperch #HandsOnLearning

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